No More Malaria
Spend $10 on a bed net and help save an entire African family from malaria. I heard about this initiative right before George Will's tirade against personal blogs (Will's job security is threatened methinks). Malaria has been brought under control on many continents except Africa. A small donation of $10 can help a whole family survive and thrive. Click here- Malaria No More
Call the White House--tell W what you're thinking
After the latest Presidential address, I looked up the White House comment line phone number, I was polite but sure had some steam to blow! (Remember I'm a . . . ah dreaded word . .liberal! Yes I believe in health care for all, I believe in a livable wage for a hard day's work, I think teachers should be paid more than strippers, I don't believe billionaires need to leave their billions to their kids. . I mean Paris Hilton, need i say more?)
White House Phone number--ask for the Comment Line:
1 202 456 1414
1 202 456 1414